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Can I participate in sports or other extracurricular activities?

It is difficult to participate in sports because of the intense amount of extra-curricular time that is required for most NESA students. Particularly if you are majoring in Dance, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre, or Technical Theatre, your rehearsal schedules will not allow for many other practices or competitions. If a particular sport is really important to you and you are accepted into NESA, you should visit with the appropriate coach to see if accommodations can be made for your NESA schedule. Your NESA commitment must always come first. Many NESA students do participate in other extracurricular activities, such as: National Honor Society, clubs, class officers, PALS, etc. The important thing is to learn how to manage your time effectively so that you can be involved in the activities that you like, as well as maintaining good grades, while fulfilling your obligations to your NESA major.