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Which House Will Choose You?...

Welcome to our house!

Walzem Elementary now participates in the "Ron Clark House System," created by educator Ron Clark. There are four "houses" - Isibindi, Altruismo, Amistad, and Reveur - which represent different character traits and strengths. Each house also has a signature color, hand signal, and animal.

In January 2024, over 600 students at Walzem Elementary got "sorted" into their house! It was so exciting and was a really special event for our campus.

Throughout the year, each house can earn points for good deeds, winning competitions, and positive "gotchas" when a child is going above and beyond. The staff are all sorted into houses, too!

Though we may be in four different houses, all of Walzem is one family.

Ask your child about their house, and learn more at