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Celebrating our Super Principals

drawings of superhero principal

Not all superheroes wear capes.

But some do.

They also wear wigs and other costumes.

Two superheroes in North East ISD are principals Glenn Forde and Cynthia Rubio.

Glenn Forde is the Principal at El Dorado Elementary School.

He recently donned a cape to read My Principal is a Superhero to some of his students. They then drew pictures of him as their superhero.

Forde reading to kids

He’s also dressed up like Rocky to battle all fifth-grade students on multiplication facts.

“Students got very excited about this opportunity, especially for those who were able to beat Mr. Forde on this challenge,” said El Dorado Teacher Tatiana Huang. “Mr. Forde is a superhero without a cape who protects and serves our students every day. We appreciate him!”

Over at Krueger Middle School, Principal Rubio has no shortage of costumes and wigs.

Rubio in 70's clothesRubio

She’s constantly dressing up to keep her students and staff excited about school.

“When students see Rubio dressed up, you can see how their faces light up,” said Krueger Associate Principal Michael Morgan. “They love coming to school. They ask their teachers about how she is dressed, and the teachers are able to connect their lessons with her dress.

team of runners

She also keeps her community healthy by hosting all sorts of costumed and themed fun runs around the campus.

“The community feels that she has opened the doors for them to become part of the learning community, with such events as 5ks or Global Running Day,” said Morgan. “Hands down, THE BEST PRINCIPAL FOR THIS SCHOOL, THIS AREA!!!”

Glenn Forde and Cynthia Rubio are just two of the many outstanding principals who go above and beyond to keep their students, staff and community excited about their schools and learning.

This month, we want to celebrate all our principals.

Visit to tell us about a principal who has had an impact on your life.

Posted by: Evan Henson
posted on: 10/01/2021