- Colonial Hills Elementary School
- Welcome

Degrees and Certifications:
B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies Certified Early Childhood Generalist Pre-K-6 English as a Second Language Certified
Mr. Steven Buruato
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I have two beautiful children Raelynn and Jordan and a loving wife named Evelyn. I graduated from The University of Texas San Antonio with a Bachelor Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6. I am happy and excited to be back home because I am a product of Stahl Elementary. This is a warm, caring, and loving campus. This is my 8th year of teaching and I absolutely love teaching. Teaching has always been my passion ever since I was little and I am truly dedicated to my students every day. I have learned different things over the years and gained a great amount of knowledge. My professional goal as a teacher is to make sure that every child or student that I encounter is getting the best education that I possibly can provide for them. Taking the time to make sure that every child has grasped the concept of the information that I am teaching them is very important to me. I will also do everything in my power whether it means I have to wake up early for tutoring or staying after school to tutor my students. I live by the quote “Teaching is not for people who want to get something out of it, but for people who want to put something into it”-Coach Gary Green I. I feel that being a teacher is more than teaching; it’s a great commitment of time and dedication to your students, parents, school, and the entire faculty to insure that your students are getting the very best education that they can receive. So come join me on this new road map to success!!!!!
Class Schedule
Mr. Buruato’s Class Schedule 2021-2022
7:30-7:45 morning announcements
7:45-8:15 WIN TIER 3
- Sumner & Buruato Math w/ Homeroom
- Flehmer & Evans Reading w/ Homeroom
- Mercado Math w/ Homeroom
8:20-9:50 Rotation 1
- Sumner & Buruato Math Homeroom
- Flehmer & Evans Reading Homeroom
- Mercado Math Homeroom
9:50-10:20 WIN TIER 3
- Sumner Math w/ Flehmer Homeroom
- Flehmer Reading w/ Sumner Homeroom
- Buruato Math w/ Evans Homeroom
- Evans Reading w/ Buruato Homeroom
- Mercado Reading w/ Homeroom
10:20-11:50 Rotation 2
- Sumner Math w/ Flehmer Homeroom
- Flehmer Reading w/ Sumner Homeroom
- Buruato Math w/ Evans Homeroom
- Evans Reading w/ Buruato Homeroom
- Mercado Reading w/ Homeroom
11:50-12:20 Rotation 3
- All teachers teach science to homeroom
12:20-1:00 Lunch
12:50-1:20 Recess
1:20-1:45 Science
1:50-2:40 Specials