At Cibolo Green-- perseverance wins the race
Grades PK-5
Cibolo Green Elementary School-Home of Champions
Our goal is to guide our students academically, socially and emotionally. Cibolo Green Elementary School’s staff strives to meet the needs of our students, families and community. We understand education is a marathon, not a sprint, and our mission is to give students the best starting position possible, so they are ultimately successful in this journey.
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Cibolo Green Teachers...
...love teaching.
Cibolo Green Elementary is a vibrant oasis where educators nurture and challenge children to rise as high as their gifts can take them. It is where natural talent blossoms when you connect passion and potential with purpose.
...are nurturing.
When you choose Cibolo Green Elementary, you choose teachers with a passion to create a safe, warm and welcoming environment in which your children explore their potential. Our teachers celebrate individuality, value originality, and recognize that each child learns in different ways. The teachers at Cibolo Green Elementary create one-on-one learning opportunities and advocate for your children, your school, and your community.
...are innovative.
Discover teachers at Cibolo Green Elementary who constantly seek innovative teaching methods that enhance your child’s learning experiences. Teachers at Cibolo Green Elementary embrace strategies that they adapt to serve the individual needs of your child.
...are accessible to you.
Our teachers use Seesaw, Remind and Skyward, and other tools to communicate and provide a window into a classroom’s activities and lessons. Your children are in classrooms in which teachers use these tools to collaborate and update you on your child’s academic progress. Our teachers welcome your insight into your children’s needs through the years as your child advances to the next grade level.
I was a student at Cibolo Green. If you are looking for a good Elementary School for your child or children I suggest this school. I went all 6 years at Cibolo Green and the teachers are nice, kind, smart, respectful, and etc.. 😁👍
-Xzavier N
Campus News
District News
NEISD Campus Safety Specialist Spotlight: Encino Park's Daniel Tawney
“These are my 607 kids and we need to get them home safely."
Teacher Feature: Tejeda's Shannon Hauser
How this Air Force Veteran is connecting with her students #theNEISDway
Celebrating National Principals Month #theNEISDway
“NEISD is just an extension of our family at this point.”
New? Here's Where to Start
Nobody is more qualified than you to make decisions about your child’s education. You know what is best for your child. You know what makes your child happy, excited, and curious.
Discover below how we can work together to make sure your child succeeds, achieves, and thrives in a safe and nurturing environment.
Review Our Daily Schedule & Procedures
Student and staff safety is always our priority. We must all work together to keep our school safe. Here are some helpful procedures and tips to help our school run efficiently and safely. We appreciate your cooperation with these procedures.
Look Up Grades, Attendance, and More
Skyward Family Access is where students and parents can find grades, report cards, attendance records, class schedules, and graduation roadmaps.
Set Up Your Student's Lunch Account
With email and push notifications, parents can stay on top of their student’s account balance. Low balance reminders make sure parents never miss a payment and students always have adequate funds in their account.