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- Cibolo Green Elementary School
- Watch D.O.G.S. | Cibolo Green Elementary School
Dads of Great Students at Cibolo Green Elementary
WATCH D.O.G.S. is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations in the country. In 1998, the very first WATCH D.O.G.S. program launched at Gene George Elementary in Springdale, AR. Today, more than 6,800 schools across the country have launched a WATCH D.O.G.S. program of their own. Each school year hundreds of thousands of fathers and father-figures make a positive impact on millions of children by volunteering millions of hours in their local schools through this amazing one-of-a-kind program.
What Do Watch D.O.G.S. Do?
Watch D.O.G.S. are heroes in the eyes of the students and school staff. You help around the school by:
- monitoring hallways,
- interacting on the playground,
- assisting in the lunchroom,
- helping with car duty during arrival and dismissal,
- and positively engaging with students in the classrooms.
Our Objectives:
- Safety: Be on watch against any potential problems and contact the office if needed.
- Support Education: Be a positive role model to you student and the entire student body. We encourage Watch D.O.G.S. to interact with students in order to sow the seeds of success.
Ready to Become one of the Watch D.O.G.S.
Step 1: Complete your background check with our District Volunteer office.
Step 2: Contact the office at 210-407-1200 to schedule your Watch D.O.G.S. day. You may sign up for one day in the fall semester and one in the spring.