- Walzem Elementary School
- Welcome

Phone: 210 407-8400
Degrees and Certifications:
B.A. Psychology from University of California at Santa Cruz M.A. Bicultural Bilingual Studies from U. T. San Antonio EC-6 Bilingual Generalist Teaching Certificate from U. T. San Antonio
Mrs. Agueda L. López
Hola. Yo soy Mrs. Lopez. Soy maestra dual en Kinder. Me encanta trabajar con alumnos de kinder porque tienen mucha energia y ganas de aprender. Originalmente, soy nacida y criada en Los Angeles, California, pero ya tengo tiempo viviendo y trabajando aquí en Texas. Soy orgullosamente la mamá de tres hijas todas recibidas de la universidad y profesionales en sus propias ramas de estudios. En mis tiempos libres me gusta leer e ir a caminar a los parques locales.
Hello. I am Mrs. Lopez. I am a dual Kindergarten teacher. I love working with younger students because they have so much energy and are highly motivated to learn.I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, but I have lived and worked here in Texas for quite some time. I am the very proud mother of three beautiful and intelligent daughters who are all university graduates and professionals in their own right. In my free time, I enjoy reading and taking walks in the local parks.
Class Schedule
7:00-7:30 desayuno en la cafeteria/ Breakfast in the cafeteria
7:30-7:45 reunion matutina/ Morning Meeting
7:45-8:20 sociales/ Social Studies
8:20-9:10 especiales/ Specials
9:10-10:40 lectoescritura/ SLAR
10:40-11:10 almuerzo/ luch
11:30-11:50 recreo/ recess
12:10-12:40 ciencias/ science
12:40-1:10 Colts Win
1:10- 2:40 Matematicas/ Math
1:10-1:50 Tier 1
1:50-2:35 grupo chico de mate/ Math small group
2:40-2:45 empacar y salida/ pack-up and dismissal