• Contact Us

    Find with ease the campus teacher that you need. Seek the name and follow the link to the person’s web page and contact information. If you are not sure which staff person manages the issue that you seek resolved, simply call 210-407-3800 and explain your situation. You will be directed to the appropriate personnel. Do note that a number of our staff are required to visit locations on campus as part of their duties and may not be in the office when you call. A follow-up e-mail is also recommended. 

Campus Address

10727 Memory Lane
San Antonio, Tx 78216

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Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Daily Schedule

    School Hours:
    8:00 AM - 3:15 PM

    Early Release:

    8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    * Students are tardy after 7:42 a.m. If they are late, they will need a tardy slip from the office.

    7:15 AM: Students can begin to arrive.

    Arrival Procedures: Parents must remain in their vehicles and drop off students in the drop-off lanes.

    Pull all the way down to the first spot. Do NOT stop by the front door. Traffic backs up quickly and it is frustrating for other parents when cars do not pull to the first spot.


    Parents may not congregate outside the school building.

    8:00 AM: Tardy Bell

    Students are tardy if not in the building by 7:40 A.M. A parent must accompany students to the front office and sign them in if they arrive after 7:40 A.M.

    9:30 AM: Attendance
    3:15 PM: Dismissal & Pick-up

    Afternoon Dismissal Procedure: Parents must remain in their vehicles and use the pick-up lanes.

    Cars must have car rider tag visible. If you forget your card, you will need to go to the front office with your picture ID to get a new one. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE, even if our staff knows/recognizes you.

    These procedures will be in place all year for the safety of our students. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    Meal Times

    PreK - 11:15 - 11:45
    Kinder- 11:00 - 11:30
    1st Grade - 12:10 - 12:40
    2nd Grade - 11:40 - 12:10
    3rd Grade - 11:10 - 11:40
    4th Grade - 11:30 - 12:00
    5th Grade - 12:20 - 12:50