• Your Family Specialist

Phone: 210 407-3000 ext 73023


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual Certification ESL Certification

Mrs. Cecilia Canales

“Unity is strength… where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” - Mattie J.T. Stepanek

My name is Cecilia Canales and the Family Specialist.  I've been part of the North East ISD family for over 15 years and a total of 22 years as an educator. I have a bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, plus Bilingual Certification and ESL Certification.

A variety of classes will be offered to parents and members of the El Dorado community through the Family Engagement Leadership Academy (FELA) in five domain areas: 1) Parenting, 2) Life Skills,  3) Academics Skills, 4) Health, Nutrition and Safety, and 5) Leadership and Community Service. I am looking forward to serving families any way I can through classes, workshops, events and services.

My goal is to build relationships with parents, guardians, grandparents, students and staff.  Together we can bridge families, school and the community to help our students achieve maximum benefits that will lead to a successful future. 

I'm excited to be part of the El Dorado family!  Together, let’s take charge, Mighty Mustangs!


"La unidad es fuerza ... donde hay trabajo en equipo y colaboración, se pueden lograr cosas maravillosas". - Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Mi nombre es Cecilia Canales y soy la Especialista en Familia. He sido parte de la familia de North East ISD por más de 15 años y un total de 22 años como educador. Tengo una licenciatura en Estudios Interdisciplinarios, además de Certificación Bilingüe y Certificación de ESL.

Se ofrecerá una variedad de clases a los padres y miembros de la comunidad de El Dorado a través de la Academia de Liderazgo de Participación Familiar (FELA) en cinco áreas de dominio: 1) Crianza de los hijos, 2) Habilidades para la vida, 3) Habilidades académicas, 4) Salud, nutrición y Seguridad y 5) Liderazgo y servicio comunitario. Espero poder servir a las familias de cualquier manera que pueda a través de clases, talleres, eventos y servicios.

Mi objetivo es establecer relaciones con padres, guardián, abuelos, estudiantes y maestros. Juntos podemos unir a las familias, la escuela y la comunidad para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a lograr los máximos beneficios que conducirán a un futuro exitoso.

¡Estoy emocionada de ser parte de la familia El Dorado! ¡Juntos, hagámonos cargo, Mighty Mustangs!

  • Our Mission

    Family Engagement creates and sustains partnerships with students, families, and the community to ensure high levels of learning for all.

    Family Specialists

    Family Specialists are available to all NEISD families. They assist in various ways, such as:

    provide families with information from the district, community agencies, city and state institutions, and any other organizations that might benefit those with specific needs;

    • facilitate and conduct parent-education classes, counseling and mentoring;
    • assist students and families to reach their maximum educational benefits;
    • provide support to those who are in an emotional or financial crisis.

    Family Engagement Courses

    Family Engagement Course are free to all parents, grandparents, or community members. Participants are offered information on a wide variety of subjects.

    1. Parenting Classes
    2. Life Skills and Essential Knowledge
    3. Academic Skills
    4. Health, Nutrition, and Safety
    5. Leadership and Community Service

    Learn more about what your child is taught from Pre-K to 5th grade.
    PreK - 5th Family Engagement Guides


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  • Family Engagement Spring 2024

    NEISD Family Engagement Welcomes You! ATTEND FREE EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS/TRAININGS AT EVERY CAMPUS! (¡El Compromiso Familiar de NEISD le da la bienvenida! ¡Asista a talleres/capacitaciones educativos y gratuitas en cada escuela!)

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