School Wide Goals

  • School Wide Tardy Goal

    We will have less than 50 tardies each week of school.

    We want all our leaders to arrive to school on time so they don’t miss out on any learning time. Help your child get to school before 7:30 a.m. every day!


    School Wide Attendance Goal

    We will have 96.1% attendance or higher every day.

    We want all our leaders to be here every day to learn. Being here at Dellview is part of our Dellview Mission statement of Be here. Learn here. Lead everywhere! Help your child get to school every day to have perfect attendance and to attend our perfect attendance celebrations!


    School Wide Nightly Reading Goal

    80% or more of our students will meet their nightly monthly reading goal.

    Reading is so important to help our leaders grow! Each child has a nightly reading goal. We track our progress by grade levels with our nightly reading goal.