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NEISD Teacher Feature: Colonial Hills' Christopher Olveda

Olveda with NEISD sign

Christopher Olveda’s North East ISD story started when he was 10 years old. 

That’s when he started attending Woodstone Elementary School as an English as a Second Language (ESL) student. He also attended Wood Middle School and graduated from Madison High School.

“NEISD has shaped my entire life. My entire community started when I was 10, and it was because of NEISD. Those same friends that I made at the time are my brothers today. When I started teaching, I met my wife, who was also an NEISD teacher. So, it’s been life-changing for me.”


Olveda knows the life-changing moments that can happen in a classroom, and that’s what he tries to provide his students who are also learning English. Olveda is a dual language teacher at Colonial Hills Elementary School. His students come from Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and other countries. They are learning English in school, just like he did. So, he knows their struggles. He sees himself in his students.

“I felt like I was working double time, because I was trying to develop my English and get the content at the same time. I know that’s what my students are going through. That’s why I chose to teach because I thought of my journey and how difficult it was as an English language learner.”

Olveda remembers his 5th grade teacher at Woodstone, Miss Campbell, who was always nice and made him feel valued. He also remembers his Spanish teachers in high school at Madison and how they helped him feel his culture in the classroom. They still inspire him. Now, Olveda gives his students the same love, attention and culture he was given.

“It begins with making time to relate to them and blossoming our relationships. When you take time and effort to help students feel respected, valued and embraced, that’s when their desire to learn increases because they enjoy being in the classroom.” 

Whether it’s through morning meetings where students get to talk about their hopes and dreams or math lessons that involve music his students enjoy, Olveda is making connections and helping students become life-long learners #theNEISDway

Evan Henson
posted on: 09/23/2024