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Johnson senior scores perfect 1600 on SAT

 Arthur Miller holds NEISD way sign

What does it take to score a perfect 1600 on the SAT test? 

For Johnson High School senior Arthur Miller, it required a lot of studying. It also took quite a bit of confidence. 

“I felt good about it, but there were a few questions I was iffy about,” said Arthur. “I thought I would get a pretty good score, but I didn’t expect to get a 1600.”

That perfect score may have come as a surprise to Arthur, but there’s no doubt he earned it through hard work, determination and a lot of studying. 

His advice for future test takers? Don’t forget to believe in yourself. 

“Easily the number one thing is the stress you have going into it. It’s really easy to feel like a huge deal but try not to worry about it and be confident going into it. Just have a score you’re aiming for and believe in yourself.” 

Arthur is still considering his options for college, but for now he plans to pursue an engineering degree. He’s narrowed his options down to Rice University, the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University. Regardless of where he ends up, he’ll take that quiet confidence and solid academic foundation from North East ISD with him. 

Way to go, Arthur!

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 10-13-23