Gifted & Talented
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- Gifted & Talented FAQ
GT Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a good candidate for GT testing?
The GT program in NEISD is designed to meet the educational, social, and emotional needs of students performing 2-3 years above grade level academically. If you have questions about the decision to refer your child, please contact his or her campus GT teacher at the elementary level or counselor at the secondary level. Your child’s classroom teacher may also be a good resource for information about how your child is performing in class and whether or not a GT placement might benefit your child at this time.
How do I refer my child for GT testing?
At the elementary level, contact the campus GT teacher. At the secondary level, contact your child’s counselor.
What kind of testing will be administered?
- Nationally normed achievement tests which compare students in the same grade in content specific skills: Reading, Written Expression, and/or Math
- Ability testing which compares students of the same age in verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning
Are STAAR scores used in determining placement?
Although STAAR scores may be included in anecdotal evidence, the state test is not an appropriate measurement for GT identification. STAAR is a criterion-referenced test designed to assess the degree to which the state’s curriculum has been mastered by a student. STAAR does not assess knowledge and skills which are considered above grade level.
Are grades considered in determining placement?
Grades can be considered by the placement committee, however high grades do not guarantee a student’s placement nor do low grades eliminate a student from consideration. Grades are a measure of how well a student is performing on grade level tasks and may or may not indicate a student’s giftedness.
Who will determine if my child qualifies for gifted services?
A committee of at least three district personnel who have been trained in the nature and needs and identification of gifted students will determine placement of each child. This committee could include the GT teacher, counselor, administrator, GT Instructional Specialist, Assistant Director for GT, or other trained district personnel.
Once my child qualifies for GT, does he or she have to be tested again?
NEISD has an elementary GT program, as well as a secondary program which may include Math, English, and elective options. Once a child qualifies for a specific level, he or she remains in the GT program until the end of that level but will need to retest for the next level of the program. For example, a 2nd grade student who qualifies in the second grade will remain in the elementary GT program until the end of fifth grade without further testing, but will be reassessed for placement in the secondary program.
If my child does not qualify this year, can he or she be reassessed?
Students may be assessed once each school year. However, nationally normed testing data is valid for up to two years. This means that some scores earned in a previous grade may be used in determining placement the following year.
If my child does not qualify for services and I have questions, who should I ask?
At the elementary level, the first point of contact should be the campus GT teacher. At the secondary level, contact your child’s counselor. Parents requesting a formal request for reconsideration should email or call the Assistant Director for Gifted & Talented, Amy Chandler, or 210-407-0115. All reconsideration requests must be made within 10 days of receipt of student assessment notification.
How can my student be identified for gifted services in one school district, but not in another?
The state of Texas allows school districts to define their own gifted services and how they choose to identify those services based on a student who is advanced in relation to students of the same age, experience, and environment. Each program is designed differently to meet the needs of its specific population.
My child was received GT services at their previous campus, what do I need to do to qualify for NEISD GT?
If students are coming from another NEISD campus and were in the GT program, they are automatically in the GT program at their new NEISD school.
If students are coming from another district with a GT status, please provide necessary documentation and have the other school send testing data to the campus GT Teacher at the elementary level or counselor in secondary. Documentation includes previous test records.
The data will be reviewed and parents will be informed if the testing is parallel to NEISD and scores are at the district standard. If not, additional testing may be needed. Scores older than 2 years are considered outdated.
Military students who have a GT status with documentation from a GT program will qualify automatically due to the Interstate Compact Act on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. Please reach out to the elementary GT teacher or secondary counselor if this applies to you.
Can I opt out of services for my child?
There are two options to decline gifted services for identified students. A furlough can temporarily suspend a child’s GT services. This is generally used at the secondary level for scheduling conflicts or can be used in the event of a serious illness or family event. A furlough can be in place for up to one year. A parent also has the right to request that their child be dismissed from GT services. Children who are dismissed are eligible to be readmitted in GT programs the following school year, but must complete GT testing and qualify under the current qualifying standard.
What is "universal screening"?
Universal screening is when we use a measure to look at ALL of the students in a group, regardless of whether they have been referred for testing. NEISD currently universally screens all second graders and fifth graders by administering a cognitive abilities test. This is used not only to look for students who might benefit from gifted services, it is also used to help look for students in other special programs, and to drive instruction in the regular education classroom. NEISD also considers all kindergarteners as we provide enrichment opportunities through push-in experiences in the fall in every kindergarten classroom.