• Contact Us

    Find with ease the campus teacher that you need. Seek the name and follow the link to the person’s web page and contact information. If you are not sure which staff person manages the issue that you seek resolved, simply call 210-407-4800 and explain your situation. You will be directed to the appropriate personnel. Do note that a number of our staff are required to visit locations on campus as part of their duties and may not be in the office when you call. A follow-up e-mail is also recommended. 

Campus Address

15806 O'Connor Rd
San Antonio , Tx 78247

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Staff Directory

Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • Daily Schedule

    • Students arrive at 7:30 and eat breakfast and proceed to grade level hallway.
    • Students arriving after 7:50am, should proceed to their classroom.
    • School hours are 8:00am-3:15pm.
    • The tardy bell rings at 8:05am.
      • An adult must escort a student into the building and sign them in after the 8:05 tardy bell.
      • If a student arrives after 9:15am, they are counted absent.
    • Student sign out end at 3:00pm each day to prepare for dismissal
    • Buses arrive in the bus drive at the back of the school.
    • Parent pick up and drop off is located at the back of the school.
      • Please be reminded that the front parking lot is designated DAYCARE ONLY. 
      • “Car-rider” parents, please display your child’s “car-rider” family tag so it can be seen by faculty during afternoon pick-up. This will help expedite the loading process. If you do not have a “car-rider” name tag, you can request one from your child’s teacher.

    Thank you for your cooperation and support as we continue to try and provide a safe environment for our students.

    Meal Times

    11:30 AM: Lunch (Grades 1-3)
    12:25 PM: Lunch (Grades 4-5)