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Frequently Asked Questions
Book Care
Posted by:If a book is lost or damaged, students are responsible for replacing the missing book. Please send exact change for cost of the book (we usually do not carry cash on the library). This will allow us to replace the book so that other students can still enjoy the book.
We will be reviewing the following rules in the library:
- Keep books out of the rain
- Keep books away from babies & pets
- Do not cut or glue in your books
- Keep food and drinks away from your books
- Do not color or write in the books
- Do not lose your books
- Do not rip your books
Yes, we do:
- Read with clean hands
- Read with a friend
- Return books on time
- Keep your books in a safe place
Library book check out
Posted by:All students will check out books weekly from the library on their scheduled library day. The following is the book check out policy for Windcrest:
Pre-K students: 1 book to be kept in the classroom
Kinder students: 1 book
1st grade - 2nd grade: 2 books
3rd grade - 5th grade: 3 books
Please help your child return books on time. If a student does not return a book on their library day, they cannot check out another book until that book is returned.
Where can I find a book in the library?
Posted by:Our online catalog is available for anyone to view on launchpad under library resources, or at the following website: Windcrest Library Catalog
What is an ISBN?
Posted by:An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical formula and include a check digit to validate the number.