• Eligibility

    ACE is dedicated to providing a transformative opportunity for students who may face unique challenges on their educational journey. 

    If you are:

    • coded as ‘at-risk,’ indicating a need for additional educational support and opportunities.
    • have completed 12 high school credits 
    • have successfully passed at least three of the five End-of-Course (EOC) assessments
    • and reside within the NEISD community

    ACE is your academy for success. We understand that each student’s path is distinctive, and our academy is designed to offer a tailored, supportive environment for individuals aged 16 to 21. 

    Join us at ACE, where we turn eligibility into an opportunity, empowering you to overcome challenges and fast-track your graduation on your terms.

  • Admissions & Enrollment

  • Our admissions process at ACE caters to our non-traditional, personalized academic model that pairs compassion with creativity to help students reach their potential. Students interested in joining ACE can begin the application process by contacting their home campus counselor. After applying, prospective students will be invited to tour ACE and interview with administrators to determine if the program is the right fit. 

    By becoming part of the ACE community, students can craft an educational journey as unique as they are because at ACE, innovation meets personalized support to put students on the path to achievement.

    Admission Requirements

    At ACE, we lead at-risk high school students to achieve their academic and career aspirations. To be eligible for admission, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    • Classified as an "at-risk" student in need of additional educational support

    • Earned a minimum of 12 high school credits

    • Passed at least 3 out of 5 End of Course (EOC) assessments

    • Aged 16-21 years old


    How to Apply to ACE:

    Step One: Visit your home campus counselor.

    Begin your journey with ACE by initiating the application process at your home campus. Prospective students, take the first step and reach out to your counselor to discuss requirements and fill out an ACE Application. 

    Step Two: Submit Application

    Parent/guardian must sign the application (unless student is coded as Independent with own POR). Once signed, your counselor will submit the application packet to Lori Finnegan, lfinne@neisd.net. 

    Step Three: ACE Interview & Campus Visit

    After applying through your home campus, contact ACE at 210-407-0694 to schedule your tour and interview with ACE administrators. 

    Campus Tours

    We offer campus tours for students who have submitted their admissions application to ACE. The tour is for the applicant student to experience ACE during the school day. This is an applicant-only visit. An appointment is required.

    Tours are led by our current students who can answer questions and provide relevant information to potential students and their families.

  • Chevy the Dog

    Lake View Grout College Tour