- Reagan High School
- Spanish AP Literatura y Cultura
Syllabus del curso
Course Overview
This course covers the major movements in Hispanic literature from the medieval period through the late twentieth century literary trends. The literary text is taught, not as an end in itself, but as a cultural and historical concept from which students acquire an insight into many aspects of Hispanic studies—from simple customs to basic values. The goal of the course is to teach students the tools of analysis in order to extract this vital information from a given text. Multiple types of multimedia that incorporates art and other images associated with de different time periods are used to enhance learning.
Regular short writing assignments throughout the year ask students to evaluate and explain the use of literary techniques in different works of prose and poetry, thus demanding that they move beyond mere lists of terms to truly delve into analysis. The course is conducted in Spanish only and students are required to communicate with teachers and peers in the targeted language.
Course objectives: Students will
- learn modern literary theory and its application in literary analysis;
- learn the terminology used to engage in discussions about literary criticism;
- analyze critically the form and content of literary works (including poetry) orally and writing using appropriate terminology.
- think critically and logically; and
- practice speaking and writing Spanish. (The course is conducted completely in Spanish.)
- attend cultural events that take place in the community i.e. art exhibits, cultural events at the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México here in San Antonio)
Azulejo: (Anthology and Guide to the AP Spanish Literature Course) Wayside Publishing 2nd edition.
Class Materials (should have the first week of class)
blue or black pen
a highlighter of any color
one of the following for class use: paper towels or tissue boxes
3 x 5 index cards
composition notebook (200 pgs)
a binder or folder to keep handouts, assignments, essays, etc.
sticky notes
Student Evaluation
In addition to the readings, analysis, and discussions, the course requires at least one essay/essay writing skills at the end of each unit. In the fall students do general essays on particular works and analyze poems; in the spring they compare and contrast two works. Each essay question reflects the type of questions asked on the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam. Students must demonstrate proper usage of literary terms and support their ideas in their essays. Papers are graded using the AP Spanish Literature scoring rubrics. Each student will create a portfolio that will represent a project grade.
Tests, essays, projects, and presentations 50% of grade
Daily work, quizzes, debates, review cards, and use of only Spanish 40% of grade
Homework assignments 10% of grade 2
Vocabulary list
Students will maintain personalized vocabulary lists, basic vocabulary of critical terms, and literary terms (composition notebook) related to the topics and stories that are read in class. Each student will be responsible for learning the words and integrating them into their class discussions and essays.
Types of Activities
- Recognizing thematically major thoughts and trends in Spanish and Latin American literature.
- Discussing the works of the authors outlined with reference to their relative position within given literary movements.
- Studying the style and characteristics of each work as well as the historical background and the author’s life, activities, and aspirations.
- Studying the literary movements to which these works belong to show how they influence and relate to each other.
- Analyzing prose and poetry and especially the imagery in the writings to understand how the works relate to the author, period, and Spanish/Latin American thinking in general.
- Increase their knowledge of the cultural values, traditions, achievements, and history of the Spanish-speaking peoples.
- Recognizing the relevance of the human experience through the arts—universals of theme as reflected in literature.
- Analyzing critically the form and content of literary works, learning the terms and tools to engage in literary analysis, and responding through integrated writing and speaking activities.
- Record keeping of analysis handouts for each literary work and information handouts for each author and literary periods included in the AP required reading list.
Class rules
Students are expected to respect self, others and property.
Show appropriate behavior, inappropriate behavior is defined as anything you do that might interfere with: your ability to learn, a classmate's ability to learn, my ability to teach.
Obtain notes from class webpage and from classmates.
Turn in homework due when you were absent, and make up missed assignments immediately.
If you are absent the day before (and only the day before) a previously announced quiz or test, you will take the quiz or test with your class.
If you are absent the day of a test (and that day only), you must make up the test the next day. For longer absences, you must see me to set up a reasonable time. This is your responsibility, and needs to be taken care of outside of class time.
If work is not made up within the designated time, it will count as fifty. You will complete ALL assignments in this class.
All make up policies apply to excused absences. Work missed while students are truant will receive 0.
Important Note to Parents:
Films Viewed in the classroom: We may watch full or partial movie versions of selected works as a source to complement or extend the topic at hand. If you have any concerns please free to contact via email at mrodri30@neisd.net
_________________________ ____________________________
Parent signature Student signature
Parents: If you would like me to have your email on file, please send me an email with your child’s name and period number on it. Thank you3
Organización del Año Escolar 2017-2018
**Sujeto a cambio en base al rendimiento**
Otoño 2017
1era Semana -- Introducción al curso: reflexión sobre la lectura “Rasgos de los buenos lectores y sus preguntas clave, o cómo empezar a pensar de una manera crítica” y entrega de la tarea de verano
Cuaderno de Términos Literarios – numerar y adjuntar el índice
Vistazo general a las éocas que se cubrirá este semestre.
La época medieval - Siglos XIV-XV –incluir definición en el cuaderno de términos literarios.
"Romance de la pérdida de Alhama", anónimo
"Lo que sucedió a un mozo que casó con una mujer muy fuerte y muy brava", Don Juan Manuel - Conde Lucanor: Ejemplo XXXV
Ensayos – Párrafo de introducción – la tesis
El Siglo de Oro - Siglos XVI-XVII (renacimiento y barroco) incluir definición en el cuaderno de términos literarios
- Historias transatlánticas, primeros encuentros
"Segunda carta de relación", Hernán Cortés
"Visión de los vencidos" Miguel León-Portilla
- Poesía renacentista Y barroca
"Soneto XXIII" ("En tanto que de rosa y de azucena"), Garcilaso de la Vega
"Soneto CLXVI" ("Mientras por competir con tu cabello"), Luis de Góngora- El barroco:
"Salmo XVII" ("Miré los muros de la patria mía") de "Un heráclito cristiano" , Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas
- El barroco en México:
Hombres necios que acusáis", Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
- La comedia del siglo de oro: El arte nuevo de hacer teatro
"El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra", Gabriel Téllez (Tirso de Molina)
- Novela picaresca: Hacia la novela moderna
"Lazarillo de Tormes": Prólogo, tratados 1, 2, 3, 7, anónimo
- La comedia del siglo de oro:
-"El ingenioso hidalgo, don Quijote de la Mancha" Primera parte, Capítulos I, II, III, IV, V , VIII, IX, LXXIV – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
El Romanticismo y lo romántico - Siglo XIX incluir definición en el cuaderno de términos literarios
- La transición del clasicismo al romanticismo:
"En una tempestad" , José María Heredia
- La poesía posromántica: Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
"Rima LIII" ("Volverán las oscuras golondrinas")
El arte del Realismo y el Naturalismo: la mirada minuciosa incluir definición en el cuaderno de términos literarios
- El realismo psicológico:
" El hijo" , Horacio Quiroga
- El realismo social y regionalista:
"Las medias rojas", Emilia Pardo Bazán
- Historias transatlánticas, un nuevo avance
"A Roosevelt", Rubén Darío
"Nuestra América", José Martí
Examen final de otoño
Primavera 2018
SIGLOS XX Y XXI - La novela: dudas inminentes- incluir definición en el cuaderno de términos literarios
-La poesía:la palabra y su mensaje y La narrativa breve: del realismo a lo fantástico
"He andado muchos caminos", Antonio Machado
"Borges y yo", Jorge Luis Borges
"El Sur", Jorge Luis Borges
"San Manuel Bueno, mártir", Miguel de Unamuno
"Walking Around", Pablo Neruda
"Balada de los abuelos" Nicolás Guillen
- La poesía: la palabra y su mensaje y La narrativa breve: del realismo a lo fantástico
"Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla", Federico García Lorca
- La cuestión femenina
"La casa de Bernarda Alba", Federico García Lorca
- La Narrativa breve: del realismo a lo fantástico
"No oyes ladrar los perros" , Juan Rulfo
" La siesta del martes", Gabriel García Márquez
- La presencia Hispana en los Estados Unidas: aquí y allá
"Mi caballo mago", Sabine Ulibarrí
- Compromiso con lo cotidiano
"Historia del hombre que se convirtió en perro", Osvaldo Dragű
- La presencia Hispana en los Estados Unidos: aquí y allá
"… no se lo tragó la tierra", "La noche buena", Tomás Rivera
- La narrativa breve: del realismo a lo fantástico
"La noche boca arriba", Julio Cortázar
"Chac Mool", Carlos Fuentes
"El ahogado más hermoso del mundo", Gabriel García Márquez
- Las voces femeninas"
"Peso ancestral", Alfonsina Storni
"A Julia de Burgos", Julia de Burgos
"Mujer negra", Nancy Morejón
"Dos palabras", Isabel Allende
AP SPANISH LITERATURE AND CULTURE EXAM - lunes, 7 de mayo, 20187 por la mañana.
Proyecto final – Representación en video/ creación de un calendario /escribir y cantar una canción sobre una obra leída.
Proyecto Cultural - Azulejos
Examen Final de