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Frequently Asked Questions/Common Topics

Below are links and important things to make note of. Feel free to call or email us, as well!

The health services website is a great resource where you can find important forms for your student. The site will have all the forms that you may need for your student. I.E: information on immunizations, forms for student medications on campus, guidelines for COVID, food allergy forms etc…

The student handbook is important for you to read through and it has lots of answers to questions you may have. Specific answers for Health Services begin on Page 69 of the PDF. Once you open the document you can press crtl-F and type in the questions you may have. For example, type in “fever” “lice” “crutches”

Important things to note:

-All medications must be brought in by parents. Students cannot bring any medications on campus unless and all medications brought in must have a doctor order

-Students who may require assistive devices such as crutches must have a doctor’s note

-All signs and symptoms of any communicable disease need to be reported to the school