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NESA Scholastic Art Highlights

These are our Scholastic Art highlights:
11 Gold Keys
Dani Castro 12 - Gone
Mayumi Hernandez 9 - On Chairs and Velvet
Mingjuan Li 11 - Statue of Maria
Anisa Lopez 12 - Resting in Jealousy
Ashley Pham 12 - A Seat at the Table
            - Gluttony
            - Metamorphosis
            - To Whom it may Concern
            - Gold Key Senior Portfolio
Chloe Shaw 10 - Saying Grace
Dani Velasquez 10 - The Mimicked
30 Silver Keys
Summer Roed 12 - Silver Key Senior Portfolio
28 Honorable Mentions
Sophia Harris 12 - Honorable Mention Senior Portfolio
Maya Harron 12 - Honorable Mention Senior Portfolio
Our students are part of the Southeast Region, competing against students from Georgia, across the south to Texas/Oklahoma. Our Gold Key recipients' works will be considered for national medals. If you know these students, please congratulate them!