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Clinic Survival Guide

Nurse Patton and Ms. Brockman’s

Elementary School Clinic Survival Guide for Parents

 Pack a change of clothes, all grades.

  • Kids have all kinds of accidents from toileting to spilling drinks to jumping in puddles.
  • Pack an extra change of clothes in your students backpack and you can avoid a run to the school if their clothes become soiled.
  • Put them in a Ziplock baggy or plastic bag and the soiled clothes will be transferred into it for transport home.

We will call you as infrequently as possible, but we will call you.

We won’t call you for every little thing, but definitely for any big thing and some of the things in between. We respect your time and your need to be at work.

 Here are some (but not all) of the reasons we will call you:

  • Fever (100+ degrees)*
  • Head bumps (even little ones)**
  • Major vomiting*
  • Contagious symptoms (including symptoms related to COVID-19)*
  • Needing a change of clothes*
  • Injuries that leave marks**
  • Any condition requiring a physician*
  • Any emergency*

 *these events will require someone to come to the school

**these calls are for your information

 And here are some (but not all) of the things we will not call you for:

  • Small cuts and scratches
  • Minor bug bites
  • Twisted ankles (minor)
  • Minor nosebleeds

 Picking up your students from the clinic: Have a plan B!

  • Sometimes things happen that will require your student to go home or to the physician. In these cases prompt retrieval of your student is expected and required.
  • Plan B: a plan for someone other than you who will be available to retrieve your student when you are unavailable to do so.
  • Please make sure your emergency contacts are up-to-date and that you have a trusted friend or family member among them.

Vision and Hearing screening

  • Vision and hearing are screened in pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades.
  • If your student fails either screening you will be notified and referred to further testing from a physician.
  • These screens help us catch hearing and vision issues at a young age so we can correct preventable educational challenges before they become an issue.