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Drop Off and Parking Lot Safety

Parking Lot Safety

  • Please DO NOT ENTER through the Back Exit.
  • We ask that ANYTIME you are needing to pick up your child up early that this is done by 2:15pm. The end of the day gets busy. We also ask that you do not park in the bus loop, we have busses and daycare vans that are using the loop during dismissal.
  • We know that there are times when you need to change how your child goes home. We ask that you make that change by 2:15pm. This will ensure that we have enough time to get your child’s teacher the message of the change.
  • If your child is a walker or biker rider, they will leave the school from the front of the school and walk across the street to the park. You can meet your child across the street at the park, or your child can walk or ride their bike home. We ask that you do not come on campus to meet your child in the front of the school.
  • Please do not meet your child on the front benches.
  • For those children walking to and from the Vecina & Los Robles Apartments, we ask that they enter the school through the cafeteria door in the morning and leave out of the 2nd grade hallway door in the afternoon. They are crossed by a staff member in the afternoon; you can also meet them at the back door. We put this in place to keep our children from crossing the back parking lot which can be unsafe.
  • Car drop-off and pick-up is in the back loop. If you would like to park in the back and walk up to pick up your child — PLEASE be ready to show your placard to pick up your child. The placard is used to match the number on the students’ backpacks.
  • The front loop is for busses and the back is for car drop-off and pick-up.
  • Please Park in a designated spot and please do not block traffic.


Please share this information with ANYONE who will picking up your child(ren). These procedures are put into place to keep the children as safe as possible.



Please be patient the first few weeks of school. The systems take time for all to learn and implement. With your help, this should be a smooth process.


PLEASE REMEMBER -- When dropping off your children at school, please make sure they are getting out of the vehicle in a designated drop-off area:


  • In the back, our car riders exit their vehicles sidewalk side of the parent loop. We lock the doors at the back parent loop at 7:30 am, if you arrive after 7:30 am please come to the front of the school. Please do not drop off your child in the back if there is not an adult present.
  • In the front, our school busses and vehicles exit on the sidewalk side in front of the school.
  • Please do not drop off your children at the teacher parking lot area at the front of the school, please use either loop.
  • Please utilize hands-free devices when driving on our campus.
  • Please do not enter through the back Exit.


During during dismissal, the front lot for busses, daycare, bike riders, and walkers only. Bike riders will also be dismissed from the front of the building (students will walk their bikes to the corner with a crossing guard). The back loop is used for car riders.


All vehicles must have a Wilderness Oak Car Tag sign in their dashboard. (Ask your child's teacher or the front office if you need additional signs).



If you are needing a Car Line Pick-up Sign please let the front office ( know if is a permanent tag or for a one-time use.


Please let us know if your tag is ever taken without your knowledge, so that we can replace the number of your tag and your child's tag.



If you need to sign-out your student early, please do so before 2:00 pm. After this time we are in transition as we prepare for dismissal. Please inform the front office and teacher that your child will leave early for the day.



Please make sure you email your child's teacher or send a written note if there will be a change in dismissal plans for your child. If we do not receive changes in writing, your child will be sent home the way he or she normally goes home.

Elias Harrington