Competitive Drill Teams
Drill Teams are a foundation element of the Extracurricular Activities in the North East ISD JROTC programs. The drill teams build the individual's self-confidence, competitive spirit, teamwork and trust in others while transforming the “me” to “we” in creating a cohesive group effort. It includes methods of instructing drill, teaching techniques, individual and unit drill, manual of arms with demilitarized rifles and various other aspects of basic drill instruction. The competitive Drill Teams normally perform in and are evaluated in three (3) elements of competition: Inspection; Regulation Drill and Exhibition Drill. Selected individuals are provided the opportunity to go above and beyond the group performance and compete in Individual/Solo competition and Tandem/Dual drill competition. The Armed Drill Teams perform with the standard demilitarized M1903 Springfield Rifle that weighs 8.5 pounds during performances that last from eight to twelve minutes duration.
Unarmed Drill Teams are a unique combination of regimented precision exhibition movements that capture the essence of military discipline, poise, graceful, extreme athletic power movements mixed with a great deal of theatrical dance aare performed by a group of twelve highly motivated cadets. The teams will spend hours of practice, individual training, physical conditioning, body mechanics and collectively choreographing each movement of the groups' final performance. Individual/solo and tandem/dual performance opportunities are made available for selected cadets to achieve their full potential. The North East District has many National JROTC Drill Team Champions in both the Armed and Unarmed divisions of competition while climbing thru the ladder of qualifying competitions at the local, statewide, Brigade level and the All Army JROTC Championships.