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Competitive Color Guard

Color Guard The competitive Color Guard Team is composed of four (4) primary team members and several alternates. Each member of the team has a specific responsibility unique to the position they hold on the guard. The standard configuration for the guard is the United States Flag is carried by the guard Commander, the State Flag or Organizational Flag is carried by the Executive Officer. Individuals carrying the flags are called Color Bearers. The two rifle guards are designated right or left Rifle Guards.

The United States Flag, State Flag or Organizational Flags carried by Color-Bearing units are called the National Color and Organizational Color. When used singularly, the term Color implies the National Color. The plural term Colors means the national and positional or organizational colors.

Traditionally, the Command Sergeants Major is responsible for the safeguarding, care, and display of the organizational Colors. The Cadet/ Command Sergeants Major is also responsible for the selection, training, and performance of the Color Bearers and Rifle Guards.

Competition is very rigorous and regimented, requiring precise and explicit movements from the time the colors are uncased, inspected, presented, recovered, retired and cased. All members of the team are meticulous in the uniform appearance, knowledge, color history and respect for our greatest national emblem.

Besides performing in ten to twelve competitions each year the color guards are requested and perform in hundreds of other color presentations in schools, the local community, state and national events as well in scores of ceremonies.