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Community Update for January 12

Dear ISA Families,

Despite our weather’s best efforts, last Thursday and Friday MUNSA XXIX: Evolve convened at Trinity University! More than 1,000 student delegates and staff from schools across Texas and Mexico filled the campus participating in spirited debate during an amazing two days.

The ISA Amigos rolled out the welcome mat by hosting a beautiful hospitality room for visiting sponsors and chaperones. In the sun of Friday afternoon, the Trinity University campus provided a beautiful, blue-sky backdrop for our students as they navigated the campus in professional dress and courageously, imagined solutions to global problems. The MUNSA experience reminds us all of the hope filled future that awaits us within the capacity of our students.

From the opening motion to the final gavel rap, nearly 450 ISA students participated this year as press corps, delegates, co-chairs, secretaries, peacekeepers, and other staff. In fulfilling each role, these students helped ensure that MUNSA XXIX was a success. The MUNSA XXIX Secretariat led the event from its planning stages, through the closing ceremony. The hours spent over the last six months preparing for MUNSA by the secretariat along with ISA sponsors Willa Rubin and Aaron Perk are too numerous to count. ISA sends a special thank you to  Trinity University for continuing our partnership and making this learning experience possible in a safe, comfortable space that also celebrates the importance of real, relevant learning for our students!  

Finally, thank you to all of our students, parents, alumni, and teachers who played crucial roles in making MUNSA XXIX a success! The entire MUNSA experience is a model for what we believe education can look like for all students. Additionally, the collaboration and support among students, families, faculty, and university personnel demonstrate what is possible by working together.


With MUNSA successfully completed, we look forward to continuing the second semester activities including our final travel experience of the academic year! The Senior Team will host a final travel open house on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the ISA Flex Space (S-103) to discuss our February travel departure. Senior families can expect: 

  1. Updates on the DC travel preparations,

  2. Receipt of all required forms for travel,

  3. General travel itinerary, and 

  4. A chance to make final payments. 

The senior team will also send forms home for families who cannot attend the meeting, and all families can access SchoolCash Online to make credit card payments!


The ISA Administration will be accepting any overnight medication that students may need during the D.C. travel experience. Below are a few reminders:

  • All medications should be turned in to the ISA Main Office the week of January 27 - 31 during business hours OR on Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.*

  • Special requests requiring doctor’s orders--including self-carry orders--for items should be on file with the campus nurse as soon as possible! 

  • Only items such as inhalers, epipens, diabetes equipment, and hormones may be approved for self-carry.

  • NEISD employee chaperones will administer medications, and families should submit all medication in the original package containing only the amount necessary for the duration of the travel experience.

  • Students may NOT carry ANY medication on their person!

  • If you are not sure about the above details or have any questions, please, contact Steve Magadance at (210) 356-0910 or by email at


*We cannot accept medication at the January 10th travel meeting. Please do not bring medications then.

As spring athletic seasons approach, families of students interested in trying out for baseball are invited to attend an informational meeting on Monday, January 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the Main Gymnasium. Tryouts begin on Friday, January 17th, afterschool at the Basse /McCullough Field (603 Basse Road, 78212). Transportation to the field will be provided for tryouts.


We would like to remind students that the scholarship deadline for student applications for CIEE’s High School Summer Abroad program is Wednesday, January 15, 2025!


On Thursday, January 16th, the ISA Amigos will hold their monthly board meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the ISA Flex Space (S-103). Join us to celebrate MUNSA XXIX and plan for the rest of the semester including our annual Project Graduation Celebration scheduled for May 23, 2025! Please park in the visitor parking lot in front of the LEE HS Main Building. All are welcome!


Looking ahead, the window for Spring AP enrollment in AP Classroom is open through January 31st. The payment window for Spring AP courses opens February 4th through March 4th. Payments of $40/$20 for Spring only classes may be made through Skyward. Families may also make late payments of $80/$60 for full year classes in person to Ms. Carraway in the ISA Counseling office.


We are beginning to plan for our next group of exchange visitors from Frankfurt, Germany, from March 26 - April 5, 2025. If your family is interested in hosting a student from our sister school in Frankfurt, click HERE!


Ms. Carraway also reminds students that the deadline to apply for programs at the Career & Technology Education Center (CTEC) magnet program is on Monday, January 20, 2025.


Monday, January 20th, is also a student and staff holiday honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 


Finally, we will host our last shadowing event for this application season on Friday, January 17, 2025! The Lottery Application for the ISA Class of 2029 is available HERE, and the deadline to apply is Monday, January 20, 2025.


Have a great week!


Steve Magadance and the ISA Faculty