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Employability Skills Grade

Students and Parents,

All students should have received an Employability Skills Contract the first week of school. The contract reads the following:

One of the goals of Career and Technology Education courses is to provide individuals with essential knowledge and  skills for managing the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. Individuals can utilize these skills to enhance career and personal effectiveness, promote family strength and well-being, and pursue career options. Business Management and Financial Services are both career pathways in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) course of study. CTE courses emphasize employability skills. As an employee following rules and doing what is expected of you are skills quality employers greatly admire and reward.  

Learning appropriate interpersonal behaviors, independent study skills, knowing how to listen, taking responsibility for  assignments and materials, staying on the appropriate task, attending regularly, and arriving on time have a direct  relationship to success and good grades. Learning these behaviors will be very beneficial in all future education  endeavors as well as those in the family and workplace. 

You will start out with 100 points for your Leadership and Employability Skills Grade (LES). This grade will be  given twice each grading cycle. It will not be eligible to drop and is not a replaceable grade. Below are the items included in the daily work section.  

5 pts. deducted ... 

  1. Poor interpersonal skills (disrespect of people/property)  

  2. Leaving a messy area (supplies not put away) 

  3. Disruptive behavior (excess talking, inappropriate words, etc.) 

  4. Talking during announcements or lecture 

  5. Cell phone on or out during class when not permitted (your phone should be in one of the following places: phone hotel,bag, pocket, one of the three charging stations in the room, charging and on the white wall) 

  6. Unauthorized food/drink in class 

  7. Off task (not doing assignments, sleeping, working on other class assignments) 8. Tardy 

  8. Not having supplies in class 

  9. Not following verbal instructions  

5 pts. added… 

  1. Using leadership skills  

  2. Good use of time management  

  3. Random Acts of Kindness  

Grades will begin on August 15, 2023.


Parents, my hope is that we can work as a team to make your students successful in the workforce.

-Mrs. Villanueva