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Can I send my child to school with a cell phone?

It is the belief of the North East ISD that a partnership between the school administrators, teachers, and parents/guardians is needed in order to teach our students to be responsible and emphasize the importance of the District’s cell phone/personal electronic devices guidelines. An active partnership will help ensure student compliance and be beneficial in emphasizing the student’s duty to become a responsible digital consumer.

The following information is to provide parents/guardians and students the appropriate times a cell phone/personal electronic device may be used while at school, school-sponsored or school-related activities and the responsibility students have when permission has not been given to use a cell phone/personal electronic device by the teacher, and/or the principal/principal’s designee.

During the instructional day, or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities, on or off school property, during school hours, cell phone and personal electronic devices, including but not limited to audio and/or video recording equipment or devices and cameras of any type, that are not being used as a technology resource for approved academic purposes, and/or the principal or his/her designee has not given permission to use the cell phone/personal electronic device, the device must remain turned off and not visible during the school day.

The use of cell phones/camera phones/cameras/personal electronic devices audio and video recording equipment or devices is strictly prohibited at all times in locker rooms or restroom areas or any other area where personal privacy is an expectation at any time while at school or at school-related or school-sponsored events.

Using any device that permits the recording of a voice or image of another in any way that invades the privacy of others, is made without the prior consent of the individual(s) being recorded, or disrupts the education environment, is not allowed. Parents/guardians with concerns regarding classroom activities should contact the principal, or file a grievance in accordance with FNG (Local). NEISD Secondary Student/Parent Handbook 73.

A student’s cell phone/personal electronic device or other electronic and/or recording device is subject to search when school personnel have reasonable suspicion that a student has violated or is violating either the law or school/district rules/policies or procedures.

For more information, please refer to the student handbook.