Phone: (210)356-0000


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Mrs. Erica Silva

Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, I graduated from the University of Texas- El Paso (U.T.EP.) where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics.  GO MINERS!!!

After teaching high school math for 5 years, I became a State Compensatory Education Intervention Coach/Teacher, or S.C.E.I.  As a S.C.E.I., I worked closely with at-risk high schoool students to get them back on track to receive their diploma.  

In 2014, I moved to San Antonio where I had the privilege to serve as a middle school Math Instructional Coach for two years.  After the realization that my heart belongs in the classroom with students, I was given the honor of becoming a Charger.  This year will mark my 8th year teaching math at Churchill High School and my 17th year in education.  I am very excited to continue my passion for teaching the beauty of math to our WCHS Chargers.

Class Announcements

Class Schedule

  • 1st period - Algebra 1

    2nd period - Algebra 2

    3rd period - Algebra 2

    4th period - Conference

    5th period - Lunch

    6th period - Algebra 1

    7th period - Algebra 1

    8th period - Algebra 2