

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Business - University of Colorado Secondary Teaching - UT San Antonio

Ms. Misty Fritz

Hey there, future financial dynamos! Welcome to your 2023-2024 school year at Madison High School. I'll be your guide to turning business education into the ultimate adventure. Armed with a sprinkle of finance expertise, a dash of Microsoft Office wizardry, and a knack for mastering money skills, I'm all about shaking up our lessons with interactive magic that'll have you well-equipped for the real world.

Get ready to go beyond textbooks as we journey into a world where business isn't just jargon – it's the playground where you'll flex those brain muscles, crunch numbers like a pro, and wield your spreadsheet ninja moves. From decoding stocks to crafting presentations and budgeting like a boss, we're making business exciting and tangible. And that's not all – we're inviting industry pros to our classroom party, cooking up business plans, and setting our sights on a future where you're not just business-savvy, you're a trailblazing superstar. So let's dive in, dream big, and rock the world of business together! 🚀📊💰🎉


Class Schedule

  • 1st Period  - Accounting I

    2nd Period - Accounting II

    3rd Period  - Business Management

    4th Period  - Lunch   

    5th Period  - Planning/Conference  

    6th Period  - Business Information Management I  

    7th Period  - Business Information Management II  

    8th Period  - Business Information Management I


    *Tutoring: Tues.,Thurs. 8:15 - 8:45