

Degrees and Certifications:

  • Class Info and Grading Policy for日本語I-V:  2021-2022


    Email:  (Please do not email me at my Google Docs account)



    1. Please bring a binder. (I’ll take donations for EC.)



    Paper Format

    All written work, including quizzes and test must follow this format: 

    1. Full name in Japanese, 2. Date: 令和329

    The following points will be subtracted for failing to include a full name or date:

    • Quiz or test:  5 points, Homework: 10 points



    • 40% Test and Projects
    • 20% Quizzes (Expect at least one a week)
    • 20% Daily Work and Homework
    • 20% Target Language Use: Entered twice a grading period.  Everyone receives a 100.  However, failure to do the warm-up will result in a deduction of 3 points and not engaging in the target language during an activity will result in a deduction of 6 points.




    Homework must be complete and on time to receive full marks.  Anything turned in after I have collected the homework is considered late.  All homework is to be completed individuallyAny suspicion of academic dishonesty may result in a referral to the administration and a zero for the assignment, test, etc. 


    Making Up Tests and Assignments After an Absence

    If you are ill or have an excused absence, you will be given the same number of days you were absent plus one extra to take the test or make up the work.  After that time is exceeded, your grade will be reduced by 10 points a day


    Turning in Assignments

    Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments should be turned in as a hard copy, not electronically. 


    Special Note Concerning the Use of Translators

    Use of translators for any assignment is considered academically dishonest.  Using dictionaries to look up words is encouraged.  However, use of a translator, human or electronic, will result in a zero for the assignment and a referral to the administration. 



    Classroom Expectations

    1. Be on time: If you come in after I close the door OR begin the lesson, you are late.
    2. The following items are prohibited in the classroom:
    • Food
    • Cell phones are not allowed at all:  If it is out, I will tell you to put it away.  If you are using it, I give you a warning.  The next time, I will contact a parent.  If there is a third violation, there will be a referral.
    1. Drinks are allowed if they are in tightly sealed containers (paper cups with a cap are not tightly sealed).
    2. In addition to speaking in Japanese, you are expected to behave like the Japanese, so please:
    • Raise your hand to ask or answer questions: There should not be any talking while I am addressing the whole class.
    • Keep your classroom clean


    いんかんプリント:Extra Credit Sheet

    You will receive an いんかんプリント for stamps that you earn for participation and rewards in games.  You can redeem the stamps for half a quiz point for each stamp.  You can only receive stamps if you bring your binder with your いんかんプリント.



    You can use the restroom if you:

    • Ask in Japanese. 
    • Sign out on form.
    • You leave your phone with me.

    Japanese I: トイレに いきたいです。(Toire ni ikitai desu.)

    Japanese II: トイレに いっても いいですか。

    Japanese III and IV: おてあらいに 行かなければならない。


    Failure to comply could lead to the following steps.

    1. Student-teacher conference
    2. Parent contact
    3. ISS
    4. Referral to AP


    Tutoring Time:

    Tuesday 8:25-8:45.

    Thursday 4:20-4:45.