• At Cibolo Green Elementary, we guide our students to be self-managers. Students will be able to self-monitor and take responsibility for their actions.  Students will treat themselves, other students, and teachers with respect while always exhibiting the Seven Habits.  

    Seven Habits:

    Habit 1: Be Proactive/ Responsibility

    Did you complete and turn in your work?  Did you bring and manage your materials? Did you follow procedures and directions?

    Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind/ Perseverance

    Did you do your best?  Did you work toward your goals and stay focused? Did you have a positive attitude?

    Habit 3: Put First Things First/ Self-Discipline

    Did you practice self-control at all times?  Did you do the most important things first?

     Habit 4: Think Win-Win/ Respect

    Did you listen attentively?  Did you cooperate?  Did you value the rights, feelings, and property of others?

     Habit 5: First Understand, and then be Understood/ Trustworthiness

    Were you honest with yourself and others?  Did you consider someone else’s point of view?  Did you do the right thing?

     Habit 6: Synergize/ Kindness

    Did you consider other people’s feelings when problem-solving?  Did you work together for solutions?  

     Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

    Does your body, heart, mind, and spirit have balance?


    We help our students to learn to make good choices throughout the school day in order to prepare them to make good choices later in life.

    We know they will do a great job with this. They always do! 

    Show the Champion within you!!!