• Late work:

    1. Late work is defined as any assignment that is not submitted on the due date and class period with the exception of make-up work for absences or approved school activities.
    2. A 20% deduction from the total grade earned will be taken for late assignments.
    3. Late assignments will be accepted until the material has been assessed summatively or within a three-week grading period.
    4. Extenuating circumstances may occur that prevent the completion and turning in of assignments on the due date.  


    Re-Teach/Re-Test Policy:

    1. If 50% or more of students in a class fail to demonstrate mastery of the TEKS on a summative assessment, the teacher WILL provide an opportunity for re-teaching and re-testing during class time. The highest grade will be recorded in the grade book. Not an average of the two.
    2. If less than 50% of students in a class fail to demonstrate mastery of the TEKS on a summative assessment, the students who did not achieve mastery may re-take their test on their own time before or after school.


    Make-up work:

                Students who are absent will be responsible for getting the notes and assignments missed.  Visit the website to view the agendas for the days you missed. Tests and other assignments should be made up in a timely manner; make appointments with the teacher for such, if necessary.


    Laboratory Exercises:

                Students are required to participate in laboratory investigations. Students who are absent on the day of the lab will have an alternative assignment covering the same content. If the absence is excused, the student will receive full credit. If the absence is unexcused the student will receive a 20% reduction on the grade of the alternative assignment.



    Students will receive a satisfactory grade in conduct by participating actively and following all NEISD and school policies.