About Teacher

Phone: 210-407-6600


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts: Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 Bilingual Education EC-6 Generalist

Ms. Sandra Ramirez

Welcome!  I am the Dyslexia Intervention Teacher and I am so proud to be a part of the Ridgeview family. 

A little bit about me...I am a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio with a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and a concentration in Bilingual Education. Today, I am a bilingual dyslexia therapist and I absolutely love working with all children! The best part of my day is seeing the joy students feel after they have worked so hard to achieve success. My ultimate goal is to provide a warm and nurturing learning environment and to foster a love of learning.

I consider myself a lifelong learner and am passionate about reading, language, and multilingualism. I am in constant pursuit of knowledge in my field by either working on additional certifications or graduate work. Family time is most important to me; I am blessed to have the most loving and supportive husband in the world! Our pride and joy are two amazing kids: Alexander and Gaby. We absolutely love to travel and have been lucky enough to visit many places. Other things I love are reading, the fine arts, sports, chocolate, and coffee!   

I'm thankful every day for the joy of working with children. I love what I do! We are going to have a great year!


Soy la maestra de intervención de dislexia y estoy muy orgullosa de ser parte de esta gran familia.

Un poco sobre mí... recibí licenciatura en estudios interdisciplinarios con una concentración en la educación bilingüe en UTSA. Hoy soy terapeuta bilingüe de dislexia y me encanta trabajar con todos los niños. La mejor parte de mi día es ver la alegría de los estudiantes después de haber trabajado tan duro para lograr el éxito. Mi objetivo principal es proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje cariñosa que brinda apoyo y fomenta el amor al aprendizaje.

Aprecio la oportunidad de ser parte de la educación de los niños de Ridgeview. ¡Vamos a tener un gran año!

