- Cibolo Green Elementary School
- Welcome
Degrees and Certifications:
B.M.E. EC-12
Mr. Adam Hood
Hello Champions! I am the music teacher here at Cibolo Green Elementary. I received my Bachelor's degree in Music Education from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in 2022. I specialize in Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion with a certificate for teaching Early Childhood through 12th grade. I have been teaching elementary music since 2022 and am excited to share my passion for music with your wonderful students. You can reach me at my email ahood@neisd.net We're going to have an amazing year!
Class/Daily Schedule
7:00-7:30 Morning drop off duty
7:30-8:00 Planning period
8:00-8:50 Kinder
8:50-9:40 First grade
9:40- 10:30 Conference
10:30-11:20 Second grade
11:30- 12:20 Third grade
12:20- 1:10 Fourth grade
1:10- 1:40 Lunch
1:45- 2:35 Fifth grade
2:35–3:05 Afternoon pick up duty