STEM Academy High School Technology Program


    Due to our vertical approach, students moving in to our high school program from our middle school program have had extensive coding exposure and practice. Students in this pathway will earn their Technology endorsement with a focus on computer science. During the course of their studies, students will become highly proficient in the use of HTLM and Java.

    Specialization - Computer Science, with a focus on different computer language including HTML and Java.

    For those students looking to be challenged outside of the classroom, it is highly encouraged that students participate in CyberPatriot. This provides students with real-world application opportunities, as well as the potential to earn national recognition and scholarships.

Technology Program

STEM Academy High School Technology Courses

  • Principles of Computer Science (H3032L): This is intended as a first course for those students just beginning the study of computer science. Students will foster their creativity and innovation through opportunities to design, implement, and present solutions to real-world problems. Students will collaborate and use computer science concepts to access, analyze, and evaluate information needed to solve problems. Students will learn the problem-solving and reasoning skills that are the foundation of computer science.

    Computer Science I Honors (H3005L): This course continues with Python and ends with a certificate in Python (PCEP), an industry-based certification from the Python Institute.  This course emphasizes problem solving with Java in the second semester which provides a necessary foundation for the next course – AP Computer Science A.  

    Computer Science II Honors (H3006L): This is an advanced programming courses and is “equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science.  The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language.”(APCentral) This course teaches advanced programming and emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with an emphasis on problem solving and algorithm development.  This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement (AP) exam that can be used for college credit.

    Computer Science III Honors (H3027L):  This is the last of the programming courses.  This is a project based course in Java which ends with certificate in Java, an industry-based certification. 

    Practicum in STEM (H8260L): This practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students will receive hands-on experience through internships.